Credit Card Processing Comes In Handy In Emergencies

by ccprocessing on November 9, 2011

From time to time there’s a news report about a horrible traffic jam due to an accident that includes two or three vehicles. Aside from the overarching human concerns of the situation, think for a minute about how credit card processing gets involved in such a situation.

Suddenly someone needs a tow truck to take his vehicle away, and since he has no auto club plan, he needs to pay for it. The tow truck driver, fortunately, has a wireless credit card terminal that will process a transaction in 4-6 minutes.

Someone else has been tied up in traffic so long that now he has to stay in a motel for the night. The motel doesn’t take checks and the customer wasn’t planning this so he doesn’t have cash. Emergencies call for emergency funds, and that means credit cards.



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